Lily lagoon

Lilies are omnipresent in lagoons and billabongs across the Top End, making these places even more beautiful. Dragonflies, frogs and turtles can be found in abundance perched on lily pads or wending through long stalks beneath the water. Largely inspired by the lilies that run along the front of the dingo enclosure at the Territory Wildlife Park, the lilies in this design sometimes hide little pig nose turtles, while dragonflies hover and land between the flowers.

Original artwork: watercolour pencil and ink

Lily lagoon

lily lagoon

midnight lilypads

midnight lilypads

midnight turtles

midnight turtles

turtle lagoon

turtle lagoon

product examples from this collection

lily lagoon cushions & slipcases
turtle lagoon - yardage
lily lagoon evening bag
lily lagoon evening bag
lily lagoon purse